jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

paranormal experiences :s

My experience with creepiest stories in my life is null, really I never had a bad experience with spirits, aliens, goblins, etc… but actually I had a lot of fear of that, because I always heard stories of close people who has a lot of experiences and I am influential.

Really in this part of my life I don’t know if trust or don´t trust in this stories my aunt in Talagante had an old story where the devil appeared in a form of a kid doing antics and he feel the noise of a kid in the nights the laughs and steps. Is hard for me think, if the devil actually exists, he spends his time being annoying in Chile, in a place like Talagante? I don´t think so.

If I can choose an experience, I like to see aliens, probably I pass out but I’m very curious about the universe and I had the question If outside the Earth exist another civilizations and if we cross our roads what would happen with all to everything we believe, it would be interesting, and creepy

Resultado de imagen para alf

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