jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to visit

  My dream is travel to Australia, beacuse I have never travelled to that country. When I was young I remember play games and watch programs on TV about Australia, This programs show a lot of things like the big cities with amazing buildings, and on the other part show exotic animals in beautyful natural places.
 Australia is very far and I don't have the money or the time to travel so I think to do that trip when I finish my studies, before start to work I want to take one year and make this trip.

My plans are get a simple job and live in a big city like Melbourne Sidney or Brisbane and when I have more information start to travel inside of australia in the jungle.

My brother do this trip and recomended me to see  the countries of south east of asia like Indonesia, Philippines and others. I think is a good idea know another cultures and the mysteries of that part of the world.

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