jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

paranormal experiences :s

My experience with creepiest stories in my life is null, really I never had a bad experience with spirits, aliens, goblins, etc… but actually I had a lot of fear of that, because I always heard stories of close people who has a lot of experiences and I am influential.

Really in this part of my life I don’t know if trust or don´t trust in this stories my aunt in Talagante had an old story where the devil appeared in a form of a kid doing antics and he feel the noise of a kid in the nights the laughs and steps. Is hard for me think, if the devil actually exists, he spends his time being annoying in Chile, in a place like Talagante? I don´t think so.

If I can choose an experience, I like to see aliens, probably I pass out but I’m very curious about the universe and I had the question If outside the Earth exist another civilizations and if we cross our roads what would happen with all to everything we believe, it would be interesting, and creepy

Resultado de imagen para alf

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

The best Concert

I like going to concerts, it’s a very fun and amazing experience. Years ago in 2016 I went to a famous tradition of “La Fonda Permanente“ the date of his birthday, It was cool because there are a lot of Chilean bands and guests of another neighbors countries.  The concert was in the “hipodromo Chile” a very big place with two big stages and a lot of stands to eat something. 

It was very long, because 17 bands played in the stages, the concert started at 3:00 pm and it finished at 4:00 am. At the end I was exhausted  but it was incredible. I went with a lot of friends. we where a group of twenty persons and they had the same admiration than me for these bands.

My favorite band in the stage was “Guachupé”, it´s a Chilean band with a lot of history. They started in 1999, mixing styles like ska, cumbia and latino. The amazin thing of this band it´s his “hinchada” a group of people who go to all of its concerts with a lot of flags and T-shitrs of the band, like a football team.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to visit

  My dream is travel to Australia, beacuse I have never travelled to that country. When I was young I remember play games and watch programs on TV about Australia, This programs show a lot of things like the big cities with amazing buildings, and on the other part show exotic animals in beautyful natural places.
 Australia is very far and I don't have the money or the time to travel so I think to do that trip when I finish my studies, before start to work I want to take one year and make this trip.

My plans are get a simple job and live in a big city like Melbourne Sidney or Brisbane and when I have more information start to travel inside of australia in the jungle.

My brother do this trip and recomended me to see  the countries of south east of asia like Indonesia, Philippines and others. I think is a good idea know another cultures and the mysteries of that part of the world.