jueves, 3 de enero de 2019

my study programme

I study architecture and when I speak with my companions we had the same sensations about the problems of the career, like the excessive workload, the extra hours to work in our homes, we sleep less hours and with a sensation of guilty.

 We spent a lot of money doing our projects, it depends about the teacher, because some of them wants to do a big project with expensive materials, and they finally go to the trash.

I totally agree with the fact of the few faculty facilities, the buildings are old and had a lot of problems, is very uncomfortable to had class in winter or summer by the temperature. In other cases, we don´t have spaces to work, we had little spaces, but all the years we are more students and anything changes. Finally, is about machines, the labs we had 2 machines of laser cut for all the university, is very hard to get one hour, and in case you have a problem, rent an hour in a machine outside of the university it´s ridiculously expensive. The problem about the equipment of the university is the cost of our career because we wait more considering the prize.

 When I speak with another friends studying architecture in another university they learn about technology programs, to had better results and here we need to learn about computer ourselves.
To say something new, instead of criticizing, I propose to make class by streaming because some of us live far of the university and some teachers only talk and don´t interact with us… not the case of my English teacher.

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

My future summer holidays

I don’t have big plans for the following holydays because I still in class and I´m worry about that, but in 3 weeks I start the holydays and I want to go to the beach and get chill, probably get a simple job because I don´t have money and that´s important if I want a trip with friends.

In my opinion is not necessary to had big plans if you want to have a great holyday and I want to see all these people I miss for my responsibilities and spend my time with these friends and family.
Resultado de imagen para climbing

This summer I want to do activities like climbing, but my family thinks that is a dangerous activity I agree with they, because is dangerous but I must to take care of myself and had the correct equipment to make the activity secure.

 Many people have accidents doing this sport and is important to had a person who knows about the sport watching you at the moment of climbing being careful if you fall to tense the rope and saving the fall. People say is Irresponsible do this sport, I can't agree with that because the accidents are responsibility of the persons who don’t take the necessary actions like had helmet or have his equipment in good condition, and this is important to prevent accidents.

jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Should Fighting Be Allowed in Hockey?

 I don´t like very much the hockey, because in Chile nobody in Chile plays it and isn´t famous or popular here, but I meet these sport because I saw a video in you tube called "top 10 best fights of professional hockey NHL" For me is normal see professional players of football or basketball fighting but this video was different. In basketball when a player punches another the refs and the teammates try immediately to stop the fight, and that is good, because the punish is expensive for giving a bad example for the kids, but in hockey is legal and celebrated.

Resultado de imagen para nhl fight

In my opinion is savage, I understand isn't my culture, but it was unreal... the players take calm put off her gloves and starts punching the rivals while the refs only watch, they only care if the fight gets too dangerous (I can´t stop watch the videos) I think this don´t change because the people gets crazy about this, like if this was part of the show finally we like to see these stuffs, boxing and fight sports make a lot of money. But here is different I think I saw more fights than amazing plays and goals, I try to say It isn’t a fight sport, is bad to see a good player who can’t keep playing because his nose is broke. 

Resultado de imagen para nhl no more violence

the sport has a step back glorifying the violence this creates a very bad culture, because we think the problems can be solving with punches and all the another values of the sport gets blind whit the violence.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

postgraduate course

well, as I have written in previous blogs I don’t like much to think about my future work, less to continue with my studies in general I pass it in classes, compared to having work experiences where you can go beyond the theory of a class.

but the idea of ​​writing this is to imagine, so if I continue my studies I would like it to be in another country, to learn another language and know the country, as possible as I mentioned earlier I would like something that was practical learning, I'm interested in computer programs and I think that will be very important in the future and I would like to specialize in programming.

distance classes have the advantage of not losing time in transport, which I would very much like with my courses at the university since I lose 2 hours a day just to transport myself and it is time that I would like to occupy in my hobbys, but it has the disadvantage of not having contact and immediate feedback with the teacher, so I would like to have part-time, in such a way to have time for other things that I can not imagine now, since it is really hard to imagine my future.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Future job

When I think in my future it´s hard for me because I imagine a lot of different plans and that scares me a little bit. But my plans are get graduated of architecture and try to work in a office my  firsts years to get experience and learn about the job to make something that I really like. Is difficult to know what is that now at my age, but I have requirements about my future specialization.

I don't want to work in a indoor office all the days working on the computer, I know is not easy but I want to work outdoor visiting different places looking for new projects, new people and looking for  opportunities so as not to fall in the same routine. 

If I had the possibility of travel a lot I would take it, because It fills me a lot but Is different travel in holidays and travel to work, I want that experience, and have it young. 

About my carrer I want to finish having a major in sustainability and start cooperating in projects, I don´t want had a second carrer because I don´t like to start again having class and tests, I prefer live real experiences because I think that are the most important knowledge.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

paranormal experiences :s

My experience with creepiest stories in my life is null, really I never had a bad experience with spirits, aliens, goblins, etc… but actually I had a lot of fear of that, because I always heard stories of close people who has a lot of experiences and I am influential.

Really in this part of my life I don’t know if trust or don´t trust in this stories my aunt in Talagante had an old story where the devil appeared in a form of a kid doing antics and he feel the noise of a kid in the nights the laughs and steps. Is hard for me think, if the devil actually exists, he spends his time being annoying in Chile, in a place like Talagante? I don´t think so.

If I can choose an experience, I like to see aliens, probably I pass out but I’m very curious about the universe and I had the question If outside the Earth exist another civilizations and if we cross our roads what would happen with all to everything we believe, it would be interesting, and creepy

Resultado de imagen para alf

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018

The best Concert

I like going to concerts, it’s a very fun and amazing experience. Years ago in 2016 I went to a famous tradition of “La Fonda Permanente“ the date of his birthday, It was cool because there are a lot of Chilean bands and guests of another neighbors countries.  The concert was in the “hipodromo Chile” a very big place with two big stages and a lot of stands to eat something. 

It was very long, because 17 bands played in the stages, the concert started at 3:00 pm and it finished at 4:00 am. At the end I was exhausted  but it was incredible. I went with a lot of friends. we where a group of twenty persons and they had the same admiration than me for these bands.

My favorite band in the stage was “Guachupé”, it´s a Chilean band with a lot of history. They started in 1999, mixing styles like ska, cumbia and latino. The amazin thing of this band it´s his “hinchada” a group of people who go to all of its concerts with a lot of flags and T-shitrs of the band, like a football team.