jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

Should Fighting Be Allowed in Hockey?

 I don´t like very much the hockey, because in Chile nobody in Chile plays it and isn´t famous or popular here, but I meet these sport because I saw a video in you tube called "top 10 best fights of professional hockey NHL" For me is normal see professional players of football or basketball fighting but this video was different. In basketball when a player punches another the refs and the teammates try immediately to stop the fight, and that is good, because the punish is expensive for giving a bad example for the kids, but in hockey is legal and celebrated.

Resultado de imagen para nhl fight

In my opinion is savage, I understand isn't my culture, but it was unreal... the players take calm put off her gloves and starts punching the rivals while the refs only watch, they only care if the fight gets too dangerous (I can´t stop watch the videos) I think this don´t change because the people gets crazy about this, like if this was part of the show finally we like to see these stuffs, boxing and fight sports make a lot of money. But here is different I think I saw more fights than amazing plays and goals, I try to say It isn’t a fight sport, is bad to see a good player who can’t keep playing because his nose is broke. 

Resultado de imagen para nhl no more violence

the sport has a step back glorifying the violence this creates a very bad culture, because we think the problems can be solving with punches and all the another values of the sport gets blind whit the violence.

1 comentario:

  1. I think violence is part of the hockey players culture so It shouldn't be erradicated from the game
